Miao, "A specification based approach to testing polymorphic attributes," in Formal Methods and Software Engineering: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2004, Seattle, WA, USA, November 8-12, 2004, J. Altun, “Understanding hypertext in the context of reading on the web: Language learners’ experience,” Current Issues in Education, vol. Mohammad-Djafari, "Joint NDT Image Restoration and Segmentation Using Gauss–Markov–Potts Prior Models and Variational Bayesian Computation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Bruijn networks and shufflenets for optical communications," IEEE Trans. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd ed. Young, "Synthetic structure of industrial plastics," in Plastics, 2nd ed., vol. The below examples are from the IEEE Citation Reference Guide, IEEE Reference Guide, and Murdoch University's IEEE Style LibGuide.Įxamples of citations for different materials: The title of a journal or book is listed in italics.The title of an article is listed in quotation marks.

Example: Adel Al Muhairy would be cited as A.
"Several recent studies, ,, have suggested that."Ĭreating a Reference List The Reference List appears at the end of your paper and provides the full citations for all the references you have used. "This theory was first put forward in 1987. The below examples are from Murdoch University's IEEE Style LibGuide.

In-text Citing It is not necessary to mention an author's name, pages used, or date of publication in the in-text citation. For examples, see the IEEE Editorial Style Manual. The reference list is organized numerically, not alphabetically. IEEE citation style includes in-text citations, numbered in square brackets, which refer to the full citation listed in the reference list at the end of the paper. In addition to publishing journals, magazines, and conference proceedings, IEEE also makes many standards for a wide variety of industries.
≡ 1.The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional organization supporting many branches of engineering, computer science, and information technology. For having more symbols, other typefaces are also used, mainly boldface a, A, b, B, … means that the distribution of the random variable X is standard normal. In mathematical formulas, the standard typeface is italic type for Latin letters and lower-case Greek letters, and upright type for upper case Greek letters. As the number of these sorts has remarkably increased in modern mathematics, the Greek alphabet and some Hebrew letters are also used. Letters are used for representing many other sorts of mathematical objects. Historically, upper-case letters were used for representing points in geometry, and lower-case letters were used for variables and constants. The decimal digits are used for representing numbers through the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. The most basic symbols are the decimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), and the letters of the Latin alphabet. As formulas are entirely constituted with symbols of various types, many symbols are needed for expressing all mathematics. A mathematical symbol is a figure or a combination of figures that is used to represent a mathematical object, an action on mathematical objects, a relation between mathematical objects, or for structuring the other symbols that occur in a formula.