There are two major certifications for translation services, one national and one international. Not all translation services are certified. Make sure to find out whether or not editing is included with your translation service provider if you want it. Proofreading/editing: Some translation services include proofreading and/or editing as part of their translation package, but others charge extra for this service.You might pay 10 or 20 cents per word, depending on the company, and there is usually a minimum charge allowance. These are generally priced based on word count. Business translations: Business translations include emails, correspondence and other business-related documents.These generally have a flat-rate price ranging from $25 and up. Certified translations: Certified translations are official documents, such as a birth certificate or passport, that need to be translated.The amount you pay will vary from company to company, with additional factors including rush delivery and notarization costing you a premium amount. Translations are priced differently depending on their purpose. These services will provide continuous support and a team that is dedicated to working with your company to ensure continuity across all translated web and text documents. Ongoing: Businesses that require ongoing translation services will want to work with a company equipped to handle business accounts.It’s important to contact the translation service directly with all the information about your project so you have a clear, accurate timeline. Weekly: Longer translations and translations that have unique language pairs might take a week or longer to deliver.

Language pairs that are less typical may take longer to translate, depending on the company. Daily: Short translated documents can typically be delivered within a matter of days, depending on the language pair.These translations might be done by machines and then proofread by humans, which means they will be literally accurate but might lack nuance. Hourly: Some translation companies offer turnaround time in a matter of hours.Figure out how quickly you need your translated document before deciding which company to choose. Some translations need to be done quickly, while others are not as urgent.